Consider a S/S having two transformers of
(a) 132/33kV 25 MVA having leakage reactance of and
(b) 132/33kV 50 MVA having leakage reactance of .
For this substation 132kV bus 3-phase fault level is MVA. Find out the 3-phase 33kV Bus fault
(Note: Consider Base MVA as 100).

1) Using reverse engineering and formula Fault MVA = BaseMVAx100/X1s;
Source +ve seq % impedance (XS) with base MVA 100 =

2a) 25 MVA % impedance (XT1) with base MVA 100
2b) 50 MVA % impedance (XT2) with base MVA 100 %
2b) 50 MVA % impedance (XT2) with base MVA 100 %

3) Equivalent % impedance between source and fault point will be
X1S + (XT1 || XT2) =

4) 33kV Bus 3-Ph fault MVA =

5) 33kV Bus 3-Ph fault Current =

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