132kV Double Circuit 0.2 ACSR line A-B is 30km long and feeding radially to Bus-B.
End A CT Ratio is /1 Amp.
And end B CT Ratio is /1 Amp.
Bus-A 3-Ph short circuit level is MVA. and Bus-B 3-Ph short circuit level is MVA.
A) Calculate the Overcurrent relay settings of relay X at Bus-A and relay Y at Bus-B for time of operation as 500 ms and 300 ms respectively; considering fault at q (on the line very near to Bus-B).
B) Let there be a fault on the line at p; at a distance of 20% from Bus-A. Calculate the fault current for relay Z and relay Y. What would be the time of operation for relay Z (Settings of relay Z are same as X). Whether relay Y will pickup? And if so what would be it's time of operation.
C) For fault mentioned in B and after opening of CB at Z (Bus-A); what will be operation time for the relay at X and Y. Neglect initial time up to opening of CB at Bus-A.
(NOTE: For fault MVA calculations use base MVA as 100. For 0.2 ACSR line X1 = 0.4 ohms/km
Bus-A 3-Ph short circuit level is MVA. and Bus-B 3-Ph short circuit level is MVA.
A) Calculate the Overcurrent relay settings of relay X at Bus-A and relay Y at Bus-B for time of operation as 500 ms and 300 ms respectively; considering fault at q (on the line very near to Bus-B).
B) Let there be a fault on the line at p; at a distance of 20% from Bus-A. Calculate the fault current for relay Z and relay Y. What would be the time of operation for relay Z (Settings of relay Z are same as X). Whether relay Y will pickup? And if so what would be it's time of operation.
C) For fault mentioned in B and after opening of CB at Z (Bus-A); what will be operation time for the relay at X and Y. Neglect initial time up to opening of CB at Bus-A.
(NOTE: For fault MVA calculations use base MVA as 100. For 0.2 ACSR line X1 = 0.4 ohms/km

Section-A: Calculations considering fault at q.
1) Relay X - Overcurrent PSM (Roundup to 5%) =

2) Relay X - 3-ph fault current for fault at q =

3) Relay X - 3-ph fault current as multiple of PSM =

4a) Relay X - Time of operation for O/C relay with TMS 1 =
4b) Relay X - To have time of operation as 500 ms TMS = sec
4b) Relay X - To have time of operation as 500 ms TMS = sec

5) Relay Y - Overcurrent PSM (Roundup to 5%) =

6) Relay Y - 3-ph fault current for fault at q =

7) Relay Y - 3-ph fault current as multiple of PSM =

8a) Relay Y - Time of operation for O/C relay with TMS 1 =
8b) Relay Y - To have time of operation as 300 ms TMS =
8b) Relay Y - To have time of operation as 300 ms TMS =

Section-B: Calculations considering fault at p;
on the line at 20% distance from source end.
on the line at 20% distance from source end.
9) +Ve sequence source reactance for Bus-A =

9.1) +Ve sequence reactance from Bus-A to fault point p(20% of line) =

9.2) +Ve sequence reactance from Bus-A to fault point p 180% of the line.
Section-> Bus-A-Bus-B-q-p =  %
Section-> Bus-A-Bus-B-q-p =  %

9.3a) +Ve sequence equivalent reactance from source to fault point p =
9.3b) Fault MVA for fault at p = MVA
9.3c) Fault Current for fault at p = Amp
9.3b) Fault MVA for fault at p = MVA
9.3c) Fault Current for fault at p = Amp

10a) Relay Z current for the fault at p =
10b) Relay Y current for the fault at p = Amp
10b) Relay Y current for the fault at p = Amp

11) Whether relay at Y pickup? =

12a) Relay Z - Time of Operation =
12b) Relay Y - Time of Operation = miliseconds
12b) Relay Y - Time of Operation = miliseconds

Section-C: Calculations after opening of CB by Z.
After opening CB by Z
13a) +Ve sequence equivalent reactance from source to fault point p = %
13b) Fault MVA for fault at p = MVA
13c) Fault Current for fault at p = Amp
13a) +Ve sequence equivalent reactance from source to fault point p = %
13b) Fault MVA for fault at p = MVA
13c) Fault Current for fault at p = Amp

14a) Relay-Y current =
14b) Relay-X current = Amp
14b) Relay-X current = Amp

15a) Relay-Y time of operation in miliseconds =
15b) Relay-X time of operation in miliseconds = miliseconds
15b) Relay-X time of operation in miliseconds = miliseconds

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