132kV Double Circuit 0.2 ACSR line A-B is in grid.
Circuit-I end A CT Ratio is /1 Amp.
And end B CT Ratio is /1 Amp.
Bus-A 3-Ph short circuit current is Amp and 1-Ph short circuit current is Amp Bus-B 3-Ph short circuit current is Amp and 1-Ph short circuit current is Amp
For bus A; lines contribute % of fault current and For bus B; lines contribute % of fault current;
Find out the settings for O/C and E/F relay at End-A and End-B.
(Note: Use setting methodology as recommanded in this documentation).
Bus-A 3-Ph short circuit current is Amp and 1-Ph short circuit current is Amp Bus-B 3-Ph short circuit current is Amp and 1-Ph short circuit current is Amp
For bus A; lines contribute % of fault current and For bus B; lines contribute % of fault current;
Find out the settings for O/C and E/F relay at End-A and End-B.
(Note: Use setting methodology as recommanded in this documentation).

Section-A: Calculations End-A.
1) End-A Overcurrent PSM (Roundup to 5%) =

2) End-A For 3-ph fault CT secondary current =

3) End-A For overcurrent relay CT secondary current as multiple of PSM =

4a) End-A Time of operation for O/C relay with TMS 1 =
4b) End-A To have time of operation as 350 ms TMS = %
4b) End-A To have time of operation as 350 ms TMS = %

5) End-A Earth fault PSM =

6) End-A For 1-ph fault CT secondary current =

7) End-A For earthfault relay CT secondary current as multiple of PSM =

8a) End-A Time of operation for E/F relay with TMS 1 =
8b) End-A To have time of operation as 350 ms TMS = %
8b) End-A To have time of operation as 350 ms TMS = %

Section-B: Calculations End-B.
9) End-B Overcurrent PSM (Roundup to 5%) =

10) End-B For 3-ph fault relay current =

11) End-B For overcurrent relay current as multiple of PSM =

12a) End-B Time of operation for O/C relay with TMS 1 =
12b) End-B To have time of operation as 350 ms TMS = %
12b) End-B To have time of operation as 350 ms TMS = %

13) End-B Earth fault PSM =

14) End-B For 1-ph fault CT secondary current =

15) End-B For earthfault relay CT secondary current as multiple of PSM =

16a) End-B Time of operation for E/F relay with TMS 1 =
16b) End-B To have time of operation as 350 ms TMS = %
16b) End-B To have time of operation as 350 ms TMS = %

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