Discrimination by Current
and Time of Operation
of the two methods described so far has a fundamental disadvantage. In the case of discrimination by time alone,
the disadvantage is due to the fact that the more severe faults are cleared in
the longest operating time (t1>t2>t3).
On the other hand, discrimination by current can be applied only where
there is appreciable impedance between the two circuit breakers concerned.
overcome above limitations imposed by the independent use of either time or
current co-ordination; the inverse time overcurrent relay characteristic has
evolved, where the time of operation is inversely proportional to the fault
current level and the actual time of operation is a function of both ‘Time
Multiplier Setting’ and 'Fault current'. So mathematically
K is proportionality constant. The above expression indicates that
mathematically for any value of current there would be time of operation. In
actual practice for relay current less than set value relay would not operate
or time of operation is infinity. Hence this relation can be modified as below.
this simple expression has a drawback. To understand the drawback consider an
example where let we are protecting an element “A” having current carrying
capacity of 30 A. Obviously set value of for over current relay will be 30 A.
Let fault current through the element is 40 A. Then as per above formula and
for the proportionality constant K = 10 relay will operate in 1 Sec (With time
multiplier Setting = 1).
consider other case of element B having current capacity 300 A. obviously over
current relay setting will be 300 A. Now let 310 A current is flowing through
the element B. Then in this case too relay will operate in 1 Sec (With K = 10
and time multiplier Setting = 1). Practically it should happen that for same
amount of current exceeding set value; time of operation of relay for element B
shall be more.
to reflect the fact that higher set value of current means higher allowable
time of operation for same amount of current exciding set value. The above
expression is standardized as below.
For most of the time damage to equipment
is proportional to square of the current to reflect this fact above expression
can be written as below
IEC standardized such relay operating
characteristics for different type of protection needs by defining K and α and
named them as shown in following table.
In most cases, use of the standard SI curve proves satisfactory, but if satisfactory grading cannot be achieved, use of the VI or EI curves may help to resolve the problem. However in transmission sector standard inverse is being used widely. Hence our further discussion shall be limited to standard inverse characteristics only
Relay Time Grading Margin
The time interval that must be allowed
between the operations of two adjacent relays in order to achieve correct
discrimination between them is called the grading margin. If a grading margin is not provided, or is insufficient,
more than one relay will operate for a fault, leading to difficulties in
determining the location of the fault and unnecessary loss of supply to some
The grading margin depends on a number of
i. The fault current interrupting time of
the circuit breaker
ii. Relay timing errors
iii. The overshoot time of the relay
iv. CT errors
v. Final margin on completion of
Considering all these factors a time
grading margin of 200 ms may be adopted. Grading is initially carried out for
the maximum fault level at the relaying point under consideration.
High-Set Instantaneous Over Current
A high-set instantaneous element can be
used where there is significant change in impedance and there by
fault currents. For example when we are protecting the transformer when HV side
relay senses fault on HV side it may be cleared instantaneously.
For better understanding of all the terms
discussed above we will go through setting calculations for same power system
as discussed above.
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